The Holigral Universal Profiling Tool

A complex tool designed for those who wish to develop their holistic potential to the full. It will reveal the focal preferences.and avoidances, and the nature of the deep structure of the self.

The tool asks you to decide how much you like or dislike different life experiences. From the answers, the program generates a personal, universal profile map that reveals a mirror of yourself in a ten by ten grid.

The rows show intuitive preferences within each factor and the columns show the cognitive preferences. The factors that emerge, are fundamental, and can be described by different words depending on the context. The output shows how you function in relation to these factors:


  • The spirit, or essence of something
  • Management / Nurture
  • Leadership / Nature
  • Understanding the Needs of Situations
  • Ideas, concepts and creativity
  • Assessments, adaptivity, rules and laws
  • Learning, Development, Marketing
  • Identity, Image, Brand, Structure
  • Operations, Business, Tactics and Strategy
  • Closure, Results, Completion, Death.

It reveals how one functions at home or work, the nature of any underlying challenges or missing understandings of the world around, and it can be adapted to any aspect of life you choose, because it sits on the underlying fabric of your own, personal “matrix”.

The intuitive preferences show the natural style; the preferred ways of working. Effective people have almost always compensated for anything missing in the intuitive aspect by developing the equivalent cognitive ability. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has compensations and missing competencies - even those who annoyingly appear to be good at everything - they’re not.

The output of the profile is not to be used to judge against anyone in a role, nor even to show areas for improvement, but really to bring out the areas of excellent specialisations, and how a team is even more effective when a summary profile for the whole team becomes even. Having said that, a team with a niche purpose may well be all profiled with similarities, keeping the unevenness with just a little smoothing around its edges.


The benefits of using the profiler are that you get to see how you best function by switching between intuition and cognitive functions at work and in relationships. It shows the types of job preferences in terms of business structure and project lifecycles. It can reveal areas of personal development, blind spots, and where delegating or complementing activities with others gets better results.

Given the combinations of the ten factors and the grid of 100, there is capacity for a unique pattern for every single person, meaning a unique interpretation, and also meaning the profile is not particularly amenable to pre-compiled or interpretive text generation. The subtleties of interpreting the output require the expertise of a person who really understands the theory and structure of the matrix. It is for this reason that the tool is reserved for a bespoke individual service.

Having said that, taking the results from all the members of a team and combining them into a single matrix score would reveal the overall team preferences and reveal any particular lacks in coverage as a group. This would be a useful tool to counter tendencies for monocultures to develop within organizations. It would also be more cost-effective, as the analysis would only be needed once rather than for every member.

Pam Saunders

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